A young Susanne Schuler and her dog Duke.
Susan Kobe Schuler is a native Minnesotan. Born in Duluth, she spent summers in the Ely area at the resort described in Back of Beyond. She is a graduate of the College of St. Scholastica and a retired educator. An avid and active community volunteer, Susanne is the mother of two adult daughters, the grandmother of five, and is married to Wayne, with whom she resides on an old farmstead along Lake Superior’s North Shore just south of Two Harbors, Minnesota. She is at work on a second story collection. Sadly, Susanne has passed on but her work remains for all of us to enjoy.
Good afternoon – Susan Kobe Schuler’s book was brought to my attention today and, I suspect, it might be written about a resort that I now own many years later, Timber Wolf Lodge, on Bear Island Lake. This can be verified at http://www.timberwolflodge.com. If it is possible to pass my contact information along to Susan that would be fascinating. Maybe there is room on our calendars for her to join us and our guests for a special book reading this summer.
Kind regards,
Roger Bruhn
Roger: I just saw your message today. For some reason, it was marked as spam by my blog site. Susanne would likely love to interact with your resort patrons. She and my mother grew up spending their summers on Bear Island and have many fond memories of when my grandfather and their father, Jack Kobe (along with his wife, Marie) built the resort’s original cabins in 1939. You can reach her at 834-5433. She lives up the North Shore, just outside of Two Harbors.
If you need anything further, please email me at: cloquetriverpress@yahoo.com.
Mark Munger