(Posted January 21, 2010)
NOWW (Northwestern Ontario Writer’s Workshop) board member Lyle Nicol and his lovely wife Vicki were awfully nice to me when I visited Thunder Bay, Ontario last year to lead a workshop on self-publishing at the wonderful Waverly Library, one of several public libraries in the Thunder Bay public library system. Lyle won a copy of my newest book, Mr. Environment: The Willard Munger Story in a game of trivia that was part of the workshop. Vicki devoured the book, despite its obvious Minnesota political bent, and the two journeyed from Thunder Bay (my favorite Canadian town) to Duluth last May for the launch of the book at the Duluth Labor Temple. I appreciate Lyle and Vicki making the long trip down the North Shore and for supplying the pictures for this post.
- Vicki Nicol at the Start of the Willard Munger Trail in Duluth
- Vicki Nicol at the Willard Munger Inn in Duluth
Thanks guys. I love Canadians!