So here are a few things to know about this blog.
Using the Search Bar
No, this isn’t to search the internet! It’s to search my blog for posts and book reviews and the like. For example, if you’re looking for one of my hunting stories from North Dakota, type in “North Dakota” and you’ll see every blog that has a reference to North Dakota on this site. Got it?
Checking Out My Books
Pretty Simple. Click on the “Books” tab under the header. The names of all my books will drop down. Put your mouse on a title and you’ll also see that there are sample chapters for each title so you can see if the writing is what you’re looking for. Click on the book title to read a description of the book and see reviews. Click on the excerpt to read the sample chapter. Easy as walking a straight line, right?
Buying My Books
If you click on the “Buy Books Direct” tab you’ll come to a bookstore of sorts. It’s easy to order because Square is the one driving the bus here. Secure and user friendly for sure!
Any Other Questions?
Email me at or I rarely look at the comments on this blog so, if you have something to get off your chest, email me and let me have it!