How It Is

Mark’s Copy of “Bird by Bird” after a bath in Whiteface Lake


One of my favorite books about writing is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott (1994. Anchor Books. ISBN 0-385-48001-6.) I’ve read it from cover to cover at least twice and used excerpts from the book in countless lectures and workshops. I like Bird because Anne is hilariously candid about what it means (at least for those of us who aren’t Stephen King or J.K. Rowlings) to be a writer. Notice I didn’t say those of us who “want to be a writer” or  those of us who “are an author”. The issue isn’t whether you’ve been published (which would make you “an author”) or whether you have the desire to write something (be it poetry, prose, or creative nonfiction): I am assuming if you are reading this sometime after I wrote it this morning at 4:45am that you already write. And that, my friends, is really all it takes, in my book (and Ms. Lamott’s) for you to earn the title of “writer”. To be a writer very simply requires that you write.

There’s more to it, of course. To be a writer, one naturally, at first blush, must be a reader. No, not a reader of your own words. Sure, that’s part of the puzzle, isn’t it, reading revision after revision after revision of the same piece of crap that came out of your warped little mind until you are numb on the brain? But that’s not what I mean when I say you must be a reader. To be a writer requires a dedication to reading other people’s work. Voraciously. Constantly. Whenever you have a spare moment. That’s how my copy of Bird by Bird  ended up warped. I was trying to read it on the Scott’s dock at Whiteface Lake while brushing my teeth during the Minnesota Fishing Opener. Now, I, apparently like Anne Lamott (she reveals this about herself in her book) am a bit of a clutz. Some folks can chew gum and walk, or, as in the case of that bucolic morning standing on the dock jutting out into the tannin stained waters of Whiteface, hold a book and brush their teeth at the same time. I, however, cannot. One minute, I was reading Lamott’s concise prose and relearning what I’d learned from her the last time I picked up the 238 page gem that is Bird by Bird and the next moment, I’m on my knees on the cold wooden dock, trying to snatch a floating mess of soggy paper before it drifts away. Why was I so insistent upon reading Lamott on the cusp of the Opener in my PJs while brushing my teeth on the Scott’s dock? Here’s just a sample of the wisdom she imparts, in this case, about being published, in her book. This is a scene where the author has just been notified she’s been invited to a prestigious writing event. She’s shopping for a dress and reveals to the shop owner that the dress needs to be special because Ms. Lamott is a writer about to attend a special function. The owner asks the ultimate question that is always asked of us writers: “What have you written?” Lamott, who is anything but a household word, tries to brush the question off and find a dress. The shop owner is undeterred and presses on.

“Beth, Beth,” the shop owner called out suddenly…”Don’t I read everything? Tell her! Beth said yes, yes, this is true, she reads everything. Then the owner looked at me kindly and said, “Now come on, what’s your name?”

I sighed, smiled, and finally said, ” Anne Lamott.” She stared at me with great concern. The room was very quiet…Then she pursed her lips and slowly shook her head. “No,”she said. “I guess not.”

It took me about  a week and a great deal of cheap chocolate to get over that. But then I remembered that whenever the world throws rose petals at you…beware. The cosmic banana peel is suddenly going to appear underfoot and make sure you don’t take it all too seriously…

This snippet of Lamott’s candor is so close to the bone, so dead-on-honest about what it means to have your name on a book available for sale in a bricks and mortar bookstore, or online, it’s beautiful in its simplicity.

The Inside of Mark’s Water Logged Copy of “Bird by Bird”












So when my copy of Bird by Bird fluttered through the warm spring air of NE Minnesota and found the gently rocking waves of the lake a week ago, I couldn’t let that be the end of my relationship with Ms. Lamott, as one-sided and hermit-like as it might be (she of course, has no idea of my adoration). I did, in keeping with her instructions, what needed doing: I rescued the book and opened it to the sunshine filtering through the windows of the Scott cabin and let the book dry. And once the paper was no longer dripping and the book was again safe to hold, I resumed re-reading Lamott.

Why, you ask? Why was I re-visiting something I’d read before? Not once? But twice? Because, I say, because I needed the reassurance that a good teacher gives his or her pupils when they are faced with a crisis. Since I am a self-taught novelist, and since those around me, my friends and family, will naturally hide their criticism and critical remarks about my work to save me from hurt, I find the honest feedback I need as a writer in Lamott’s words and also, to a similar extent, in another slender volume from another female author, Annie Dillard. Dillard’s 111 page memoir about writing, The Writing Life is also a source of inspiration and comfort when I am in one of my funks after a book event or reading where things didn’t go exactly as planned. As I planned. But to the point: Since I saved Bird from the lake, I’ve been plowing through Lamott’s wisdom, breathing freely, welcoming her advice, finding inner peace in the knowledge that I am indeed, a writer and that, to some extent, what I create is loved.

Jimi Hendrix (the dog, not the guitarist) and Mark reading Lamott

In the above photo, I am sitting on the porch swing of our covered front porch. The rain that’s pummeled our place for two days has abated. Jimi, my wife’s daschund and I are sitting on the swing, gently swaying in the cool air, my nose buried in the last chapter of Bird. It’s a great day to finish a book about writing and to be a writer. Tomorrow, I’ll get up early and write a little piece about Lamott’s book and how important it is to me. And maybe, once I’m done with Bird by Bird, I’ll re-read The Writing Life, or finally read that copy of Stephen King’s On Writing sitting on the bookshelf that I’ve never gotten to.

But before I do that, I’ll stroke the dog’s smooth fur, prop my bare feet up on a table, and sway in the freshly washed air, thankful that Ms. Lamott has written a book about writers just for me.




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Seven Days

Rod, Don, and Harlie Privette

This week, goldfinches, purple finches, morning doves, barn swallows, and bluebirds came back to the feeders on our lawn rolling to the banks of the Cloquet River. It was 86 degrees out at the house yesterday, a record, I am certain, for May 18th in NE Minnesota. Spring has unfolded with a rapidity that matches the speed of my family’s life. The Munger family seems to be racing into the future at an unreasonably hurried clip. There’s no question that my wife and I need to slow down a bit. Here’s just a snippet of what we’ve been through the past seven days.

The lead picture to this article is of three brothers. Don, Rod, and Harlie Privette all grew up at 2716 W. 3rd Street in the modest workingman’s neighborhood of the West End in Duluth. It wasn’t called Lincoln Park back then and I’ll not diminish the memory of my father-in-law by hanging some moniker on the place he called home that isn’t true. Last year at about this time, my wife lost her mom, Mercedes Privette. Merc’s death was a sudden, unexpected event that sent the family for a loop. In contrast, Don’s death, while mourned to be sure, was wholly expected. He’d battled emphysema and diabetes and heart issues for the last third of his life. Though the folks at the Franciscan Home on Park Point took great care of him, it was a tough last couple of years. For a man used to carrying a rifle in the woods during deer season, or switching railroad cars for the BN, or pulling monster northern pike from a hole in the ice during below zero weather, sitting day after day in a wheel chair surrounded by other old folks in the same plight, well, that wasn’t living. And though there was an element of blessing to Don’s joining Merc this past week, the family still is working through its grief.

AJ Munger Enters the World.

Just before Grandpa Don left us, Adrien James Munger joined the family. He was born to my oldest son, Matt, and his wife Lisa, on May 11th. (Lisa, of course, would reverse the order of that phrase!) For those of you who missed the announcement on Facebook, yes, A.J. was the reason Matt and Lisa missed my book launch last Thursday at Teatro Zuccone. Seems the little guy wasn’t willing to wait until after his grandpa got done talking to join us. He was making his way into the world as the music played, as the words were read, and as friends, family, and fans gathered together to celebrate Laman’s River. I used to think that the launch of a new book felt somewhat akin to the birth of a new child. Not even close. A.J. is the star of the week: I’m just a shoddy old sideshow.

Grandpa Harry Fishing the Whiteface

Those of you who read this blog regularly recognize the last photo in this post. It’s of my dad, Harry Munger, and was taken last weekend during the Minnesota Fishing Opener on Whiteface Lake north of Duluth. I’ll not repeat the story told about the Munger men and their fishing exploits here: That fable has already been penned. But in the seven days that comprise the week, yesterday was another milestone for the Munger family. One day after putting Grandpa Don to rest at Oneota Cemetary, Grandpa Harry, the patriarch of the Munger clan, went in for carotid artery surgery at St. Luke’s Hospital. So there we were, my sister, Annie, my brother Dave, me, and Harry’s significant other, Pauline, sipping hospital coffee and telling old stories as the surgeons did their work. Turns out, the docs knew what they were doing: Harry pulled through just fine. He’s not in any shape today, less than 24 hours after the procedure, to read this blog. But maybe Pauline can read it to him.

My mom, perpetually young-at-heart, also had a little dose of reality this week. She went in for cataract surgery. A minor procedure, to be sure. But when a guy in a white coat messes with your eyes, one never can be too sure things are going to go well. They did. She’s fine.

Toss into this mix of life the fact that I worked some at the courthouse, wrote some at my iMac, mowed and trimmed the lawn, and let Jack drive my Pacifica for the first time (he’s 14 and will be eligible for his driver’s permit soon), and you get a glimpse of the whirlwind that Rene’ and I endured these past seven days. But the most memorable incident or event of the week?

It was me holding my newborn grandson A.J. at Grandpa Don’s funeral: an experience that put a period on the sentence that was Donald E. Privette’s life.

Rest in peace, Grandpa Don.




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2012 Fishing Opener Featuring Jack Munger

The title says it all. I’ve been coming to Bob and Pat Scott’s cabin on Whiteface Lake for the Minnesota Fishing Opener since I was 13 years old. It started when Bob invited six of the dads in his Denfeld High School supper club to come up to his place on Whiteface, a reservoir lake maintained by Minnesota Power. The gathering grew year after year as the oldest of the sons (no daughters have ever been allowed, though the dads all have plenty of those) got married and had kids, until, at one point, the six original dads were surrounded by nearly two dozen sons and grandsons. Amongst the six original fathers in the crew, the group included a cookie salesman, a lawyer, an electrician, a railroad switchman, a grain elevator operator, and a appliance store owner. A melding of mid-America, if you will.

This year, with Bob and four of the other dads having passed away, the numbers are sparse. Four-plus decades of the Opener have seen joy in the form of weddings, graduations, births of grandkids and great grandkids, new jobs, and the retirement of old men from their chosen occupations. The group has seen its share of tragedy as well: cancer, heart attacks, Parkinson’s, the death of a daughter in a car crash, the death of a wife in a car crash and the resulting family turmoil caused because one of the sons sued his own father for his mother’s death, divorces (both for the dads and their sons) and all the other curve balls that a long history of affiliation tends to bring to a group of friends. But my old man, a stouthearted old man of German and English ancestry, is still hanging in there. Oh, he’s had his own bouts with mortality. A heart attack. A couple of small strokes. Intestinal bleeding. A hip replacement. He’s been dinged, to be sure, by age. But he’s with us on the Whiteface, tossing minnows to scrawny walleyes and snaky northern pike, just like he did back in the 1960s. A bit slower, I’ll grant you, on both the cast and the retrieve. And he needs help threading the line through the eye of the hook and keeping his line free of snarls. That’s my third son Chris’ job over the weekend; a job he gladly accepts to ensure Grandpa Harry is with us, in the boat, chasing fish. We’re missing Dylan, my second son, who is out in Williston working the oil fields to make his fortune, and Matt, my oldest, who is at home minding his beautiful wife, Lisa, and their new son, my first grandson, Adrien James Munger. Next year, boys. Next year.

Grandpa Harry Fishing the Whiteface


Bob and Pat’s second son Tim is a busy boy this weekend. He has coordinated buying the food for ten guys, about a third of the group at its peak, and then, he’s off to the college graduation of his daughter, Abbie, and other family events. He manages to spend time with us during the mornings and evenings but he doesn’t get to wet a line.

Jack, my youngest son, at 14 years old, is the youngest of the group. My Dad, at 85, is the oldest by two and a half decades. My brother Dave and his son, Jonathan, couldn’t come this year. John Scott, now the patriarch of the Scott clan, is absent as well. The other families that were once part of this event: the Listons, the Lundeens, the Tessiers, the Nelsons, have all stopped attending; not in a catastrophic departure; but like the erosion of a sand bank along a river, over time, they have simply found other things to do during the Opener. Not the Mungers. We’re persistent people. As long as the Scotts invite us, we’ll show up.

Saturday Night Bonfire. Chris and Jack Munger and Tim Scott.












Saturday morning. We’re on the lake before seven thirty, a rarity in the years we’ve been at Whiteface. Usually the bullshit and the beer fly in equal measure on Friday night as the older guys (like me) catch up with each other. This celebration of friendship usually leads to very slow departures on Saturday morning. Not this year. We’re serious about fishing for the first time in years. And it pays off. Pat “Poncho” Scott, the youngest of Bob and Pat’s kids and the captain of Boat No. 1 (I am captaining Boat No. 2), brings his crew to a school of walleye and they net quite a few. I manage to steer Chris, Jack, my dad, and me into a honey hole where we catch walleye, perch, and northern pike. My dad wants some fish to fry so we keep eight or nine. After lunch at the Scott cabin and a nap (there’s always a nap waiting at Whiteface!), we head back out but catch only snaky northerns.

Steaks sizzle. Beer is tipped. Grandpa Harry fillets his fish. After the dishes are done, we forgo the traditional Smear game and spend time sitting on benches talking around a fire. The topic turns to legislative gridlock and the wisdom of using state money to build a football stadium. The arguments for and against are passionate and heated. Chris and I take the losing side, the side opposing the deal. Voices grow louder. More beer flows. Joe Scott, the oldest grandchild of Bob and Pat, argues both sides of the case. The next morning, we greet a sunny, wondrous Whiteface morning sky, fire up the outboards, and scour the lake in search of fish. We don’t catch much on Sunday, never have. But what does it matter?

Jack and Chris Munger. Chris is mending our landing net with garden netting. The fish are very big on Whiteface!



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Couch Surfing

CRP Booth @ 2012 Living Green Expo

Ah, the life of a semi-famous novelist from Duluth. It’s Friday afternoon. I’ve just concluded four days of presiding over a complex and hard fought civil trial in my courtroom. I loaded the new Pacifica (not to be confused with the old Pacifica which is now living a new life in Williston, ND) with boxes of books, a few supplies, and my wife’s glass mosaic art (concrete benches and wrought iron tables) Thursday night and drove the packed van to work so I could bug out as soon as the trial ended for the day. So here I am, putting on more miles, intent upon trying to catch the public’s eye (and reach their collective hearts) with my latest book, Laman’s River, by spending the weekend selling my words in a booth at the Living Green Expo on the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul. Tires hum. The sky grays but the rain holds off as I encounter a line of stalled vehicles just north of the I-694 split. I make an executive decision and take the nearest exit ramp, intent upon finding an alternative route to the fairgrounds. Of course, even though the new Pacifica is equipped with GPS, I manage to get lost. Not to worry. We men are always steady in our belief of our innate directional abilities. I’m no exception to this rule. I weave and wind the van through Rosedale, eventually pulling into the site of the event. I spend an hour and a half setting up my booth. As I finish, the sky cries. By the time the Pacifica is heading down the steep grade of Montreal Avenue, rain is coming down in sheets of cool silver. Cars and trucks actually pull over and stop due to the lack of visibility. Not the author guy. I keep my hands on the wheel and my eyes on the road as I push south towards the Schostags’ home in Lakeville.

Saturday morning. I had a fitful night of sleep (mostly because of the three beers I drank with my wife’s brother-in-law, Al Schostag). I am half-rested and bleary eyed. I tromp upstairs. I stand naked in the shower, feeling the water’s warmth ease kinks in my neck and back, wondering why I insist on doing this author thing at an age when I should be looking into condos in Taos. In the quiet of the steamy bathroom, I dress for the day. I’ve decided to go with the hat. My eldest son and his wife, Lisa, bought me a straw Panama to wear at bookselling events. I have never worn it. Today, I decide, I will.

CRP Booth @ the 2012 Living Green Expo

The Expo

Traffic is steady. By noon, I have sold enough books so that my native pessimism (a light touch of dread, if you will) is disarmed.

If this keeps up, it’ll be a hell of a weekend.

Of course, I got carried away. I’ve learned, over twelve years of playing the part of a regional fiction writer, that nothing comes easy. My work, while beloved by a small cadre of fans, has a heck of a time getting recognition from the press and critics when it’s not published by a big New York house and isn’t represented by an agent. Essentially, I live hand to mouth with each sale. That’s the deal I’ve made with the literary devil: I get to write what I want to write and put it out into the big wide world but there’s very little chance it will ever amount to much in the big stream of commerce that is America’s marketplace. I got excited when the first few books flew off the table. But it didn’t last. Though there are folks at the Expo, the rain is pouring down and few are buying. So I content myself with people watching and reading A Team of Rivals.

Another fitful night on the Schostags’ couch; this time, not caused by beer in the bladder but by horrific storms that pass over Lakeville after dark. Had it been high summer, with heat and humidity present, the winds that whipped through the Cities would likely have included a funnel cloud or two. But because it’s still spring, the storm simply pummels the house with rain. Wave after wave of rainwater pelts the sturdy house, beating a steady rhythm of storm throughout much of the night.

Sunday morning. Al makes a great breakfast, I say my goodbyes, and I’m off for a second day of selling. Again, patrons weave their way in and out of my booth but few copies of Mr. Environment get sold. Oh, I have plenty of talkers, environmental types who recognize my Uncle Willard’s face and name and want to applaud me for writing his life story. But few of them buy books. By the close of the show, my back sore from couch surfing and hauling my wife’s art, I’m happy to be back in the car, listening to American roots music on The Current, as I head north, towards home.




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Northern Crayfish


I’ve been pretty busy at work. Some of you gleaned this from the fact my name’s been mentioned of late in the local newspaper. In my “real” job, the one that pays the bills, that happens sometimes: I get cases assigned to me that someone at the newspaper thinks are “newsworthy”. But as I move into my 14th year as a judge, I’m feeling the weight of what I do for a living a bit more than I used to. I’ve heard that’s a natural progression. Maybe. But I find myself less and less willing, at the end of a hard day, to tend to things that need doing around the house. It’s driving Rene’, my long-suffering wife of thirty-three years, crazy.

So the other day, I ripped off my suit jacket, slacks, dress shirt, and tie (how I hate wearing a tie!) and slipped on my battered old paint-stained bluejeans and an old T-shirt. It was  sunny and warm outside and the leavings of winter (you know: old dog turds, bits of paper, scraps of wood, gravel from the road; that sort of stuff) needed to be raked into piles. So I walked out to our tool shed, pulled out a rake, and took a swipe at some physical labor. You know what? It felt good. Oh, I paid for it last night when my left shoulder, the one that’s been acting up since Jack and I got T-boned by a young lady on a bright Sunday morning (we were on our way to church: she, unfortunately, was still drunk from Saturday night) throbbed in bed. But being outside, with a rake in my hands, the sun shining bright, and birds flitting over the greening grass of our lawn, well, it was something I needed to do more than something that needed doing. When I was done with the raking, I walked over to stairs that slope down the riverbank to the Cloquet River. Kramer, our frail chocolate Labrador, stood behind me, scanning the flowage, unable, due to age and bad hips, to join me as I sat on a wooden tread of the stairs and watched black water move. Beneath the river’s undulating surface, in about two feet of water, I spotted a crayfish walking, not scuttling, slowly across the pebbled bed of the Cloquet. He or she or it (I’m uncertain as to the sexual nomenclature of crustaceans) didn’t do anything fancy during the fifteen minutes I watched quietly from the stairway. I saw no great episode of life and death. No bass zipped into my field of view to snatch up the shellfish for a quick dinner. No otter plunged to the shallows to pluck the crayfish and motor off. It was just me, and Kramer, and the little crayfish absorbing the sun and taking a breath.

Movement up river broke my meditation. I caught sight of a male wood duck, all alone, no mate in sight, drifting with the slow current. The duck stopped a dozen yards from the dog and me, his colors dazzling in the late afternoon sun, his peeping voice at odds with his ducky bill.


Male Wood Duck







It didn’t take long for the beautifully feathered bird to figure out I was there, gawking at him. He fluttered his short wings and scooted away, hell bent on finding his wife. Once the duck was out of sight, I rose slowly from the stairs, patted Kramer on the head, and ambled towards the house. I filled bird feeders with feed, put away the rake, and then decided, because my attempts to get Jack, our youngest, involved in my chores had failed, to pull out the trampoline and set it up. The rig was a gift to our third son, Chris, who’s now twenty-four, for making the honor roll when he was at Hermantown Middle School. The tramp has served all of our boys, their friends, and assorted nieces and nephews well over the past thirteen summers and is still in good shape. Oh, there’ve been a few broken bones (cousin Alex broke a wrist, I think) and some odd bruises and bumps, but mostly the kids have had a ball jumping and flipping for hours on end. During the hottest days of summer, one of Jack’s favorite things to do is to set up the lawn sprinkler under the tramp and jump through cold well water beneath the glaring sun. Anyway, it took a good hour or so to get the trampoline set up. That was the last of my chores, at least the ones on my list (as opposed to Rene’s list), which meant I had time to sit on a rocking chair on our covered front porch and read the newspaper.

Eastern Bluebird

My work finished, paper in hand, I settled into the rocking chair intent upon focusing on the day’s news. But nature wasn’t quite done with me. My favorite bird, the male eastern bluebird, decided to make an appearance. About ten years ago, we started putting up bluebird houses. And the bluebirds decided, after some discussion in bluebirdeese, I am sure, that they liked what we’d done. So now, every year, pairs (at least two, sometimes three) of eastern bluebirds come back and nest in the little wooden birdhouses on posts next to our vegetable garden. And every year, little bluebirds are hatched, raised, and fledged at the edge of pasture on our place. I watched as the male bird, his bright blue backside most visible during flight, landed on the very tip top of a spruce near Rene’s dormant flower garden. The bird didn’t seem to mind my company. He too seemed content to pause, to take a moment, and breathe.



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You Will Cry


Prairie Son by Dennis M. Clausen (1999. Mid-list Press. ISBN 0922811393)

Ever wonder what it would be like to be utterly and totally alone in the world? Lloyd Clausen, the roustabout, laboring, job-changing father of the author of this terrific diary-turned-memoir-turned-novel lived that life during much of the 20th century. Set on the southwestern prairie of Minnesota (near Morris, though the closest town in the story is Alberta (pop. 142)), the author asked his father, as the old man was dying from cancer, to jot down stories of his youth and upbringing. Given that Lloyd Clausen had been adopted from an orphanage, was raised by what Dennis perceived to be a loving and devoted mother (his paternal grandmother), the intent of the exercise was to create a traditional family history. But when Dennis found yellow legal pads filled with his father’s scribbling after Lloyd’s passing, the author knew he had the makings of something far more intriguing and gut-wrenching than a lovingly portrayed narrative.

What took place after 1922 in the Clausen home was physical abuse and an utter and complete lack of love: That’s the environment that young Lloyd was dropped into by the Stevens County Human Services folks when the Clausens adopted the boy as an infant. Early in the story, we are provided a clear vision of what hell would look like for a scared, unloved, unwanted orphan. Lloyd’s (and the author’s) view of Lloyd’s parents softens a bit over time, not so much because the Clausens actually change due to the intervention of morality but more because outsiders, who learn of Lloyd’s plight (and his parents’ behavior towards him), step in to lend the boy love and, at times, protection. These characters range from illiterate farmers who protect Lloyd from a vengeful local minister to the neighborhood bully, who seeing himself in the down and out face of Lloyd Clausen, takes Lloyd’s part against a mob of nasty town boys.

The scene involving the reverend seeking Lloyd’s expulsion from the country schoolhouse is a memorable one:

“I was standing in the middle of the road,” he began in a halting and nervous tone of voice, “when Lloyd threw a rock at me…” Marcus continued to look in my direction for several seconds, staring directly into my eyes. Then he looked back at the school board. “No,” he said, “that’s not the way it happened at all. Lloyd and I were playing a game. It was my idea…”

“It was not your idea!” Reverend Reese shouted. He started to stand again, but several members of the school board glared at him, and he sat down.

“It was my idea,” Marcus repeated…”I threw a rock at Lloyd’s shoes. He threw one back at my shoes. We did this several times. Then one of the rocks hit something in the road, flew up, and hit me above the eye. It was an accident…”

“He’s trying to protect his friend!” Reverend Reese yelled…

“Reverend Reese,” the chairman said firmly, “I really think you had better sit down.” Then he glanced at the other school board members, all of whom nodded in his direction. “I don’t think we need to hear from anyone else regarding this matter.”

The members of the school board huddled together briefly at the front of the room. They returned to the table. “Lloyd,” the chairman said warmly, “the members of the school board apologize that you were suspended…You are innocent of the charges…”

Then he turned to Reverend Reese and said, “As for you, Reverend Reese, if the school board ever again hears that you have tried to blame this incident on Lloyd, we will go to your church council, and we will tell them the whole story. You tell people the truth about what happened to your son, or you will be looking for a new parish.”

The point of this scene is twofold: It establishes that there were role models in young Lloyd’s life who stepped in to assist him in times of trouble. But it also establishes the gritty truth about his father’s lovelessness: Lloyd’s father never said a word to the school board or the reverend in defense of his son. Why? Because as we learn, the boy who grew up to be Lloyd Clausen was adopted not as a son but as a hired hand; a boy to grow into a man and work the family farm as a colt grows into a stallion to pull a plow. The bitterness and bleakness of this awful reality is tempered by folks like the school board and Delores, Lloyd’s cousin (also adopted but treated as a natural child by her parents) who show Lloyd love and kindness along his journey to adulthood.

My only criticism of the book is that it is a bit disjointed. The format, short vignettes that don’t always flow together in a cohesive narrative, often read more like excerpts from a diary than a sell-paced memoir. Still, the story has heart and is well written: So much so, I can guaranty you won’t want to put it down and that you will shed a tear or two at the book’s conclusion.

4 1/2 stars out of 5.




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Two Days in the Life…

Waiting for the Doors to Open

Saturday. I’m up at 5:00am and in the shower. By  5:45am, I’m on the road to the Bloomington Writers’ Festival. I’m nervous: I’m not only selling books at the festival; I’m also reading from Laman’s River for Bloomington cable access television and I’m a featured presenter at the conference. I’m about to embark on some serious multi-tasking and I don’t know if I’m up to it. I’m not behind the wheel of my 2008 Pacifica, my vehicle of choice. I’m driving Rene’s 2005 Toyota Matrix to take advantage of better gas mileage. It’s a down and back trip: I won’t be staying the night in the Cities. I can’t afford it.This writerly kick I am on has long ago eaten up the budget for motels. And there’s a George Clooney movie Rene’ wants me to watch with her  tonight. What the hell is it about George Clooney anyway? I mean, is he really that sexy to women of a certain age? I just don’t get it.

Anyway, after eating a rubber egg, cheese, and sausage muffin purloined from the shelves of a gas station in Cloquet and downing two cups of strong coffee and a bottle of orange juice, I finally, just south of Forest Lake, drive out of the perpetual fog that has been squatting on northern Minnesota for the past week. Ever since winter decided to vamoose, the Northland has been socked in with rain and fog. It’s a pleasure to finally be able to see the highway in front of me as I drive out of the foggy envelope. Don’t mistake what I’m saying here: There is no sun to speak of. Only more gray. But gray with perspective instead of claustrophobic closeness. When I pull in to the parking lot of the Bloomington Theater and Arts Center, where the conference is being held, I’m a few minutes ahead of schedule. The doors are manned by a smallish man, a volunteer, who has us wait until nine before allowing the milling crowd of weary eyed would be John Grishoms and J.K. Rowlings inside.

2012 Bloomington Writers' Festival











After the doors open, I pull my foldable two-wheeled dolly stacked with plastic bins and boxes into the building, register with another volunteer at the main table, and find my spot. I’m an old pro at setting up my books: Table cloth first, then the plastic placards holding images of each book and details about them, followed by neatly stacked copies of the books I have in print, finished off by two plastic business card holders full of my business cards. In less than twenty minutes, I’m ready to start selling. Of course, the public isn’t allowed in for another half hour, so I take full advantage of the down time and wander off to the room where I’ll be presenting my program. I spend a few minutes talking to a guy setting up the digital projector that I’ll be using in conjunction with my son Jack’s netbook. After talking to the guy, I’m confident that this experiment, which has me extremely nervous, will work out OK: I’m going to try to show aspiring historical novelists how I use the Internet to conduct research for my work. I’m doing it in real time, right there during my one hour lecture. Understand, I am not a tech nerd. I can adequately function in front of a keyboard for simple tasks like using the Internet, doing word processing, and the like. But I am not a computer guru. This is only my second attempt at using a computer during a lecture. The last time I tried it, it was a disaster. I am hoping history doesn’t, as some say, repeat itself.

Mark's Table at the Writers' Festival











There’s a slow but steady crowd at the conference. Many of the folks milling about are more interested in what you have to say as a presenter than what you’ve written as an author. I always sell enough books here to pay for gas but that’s usually about it. Today is no exception. Copies of my new mystery, Laman’s River, prove popular as do copies of Suomalaiset, my historical novel about Finns in NE Minnesota. I collect my complimentary box lunch and eat it at my table after doing my ten minute reading from the new book for cable access. The reading seemed to go well, with only a few minor stumbles as I tried to “set the mood” of the story so folks will want to buy the book. I even had a couple of fans in attendance.

Old friends from Moorhead, the Floms, surprise me, stopping by in the early afternoon with their daughter, Sarah, and her toddler son, Will. We catch up on our kids, I get to hold Will for a few snapshots, and then they’re gone. Another friend, John Helland stops by to chat as well. That’s one of the main benefits of these outings: Getting away from behind the keyboard and monitor and talking to folks who like and support your work. I keep checking my iPhone for the time. Eventually, I leave the table and pad off to the Rehearsal Hall where I am to give my lecture. The room is full, nearly thirty folks have paid money to hear me blather. Even though I teach college courses at UWS each semester, those courses are linked to my vocation as a judge. Today, I am speaking about my avocation, my hobby.

What gives me the right to talk to these folks? I’ve never won the Pulitzer. Hell, I’ve never even won a Northeast Minnesota Book Award, much less a Minnesota Book Award. Just who the hell do I think I am?

I feel a bit like a fraud as I stumble around the Internet while a roomful of strangers gawk at me. But I make it through the hour without a heart attack. I guess that’s something. I take a few questions and then return to my table to pack up my books and hit the road. A couple of the attendees from the class stop by to chat and buy books. They try to tell me that the hour was worthwhile. I listen, but my own take on my performance is less laudatory. Still, I smile and say “thank you” like Mom taught me.

Goose Creek Wayside Rest

Goose Creek


On the road, I eat a bad meal at the McDonald’s in Forest Lake. By the Goose Creek wayside rest, I need to hit the john. I pull off, do my business, and then, because the sun is finally out and the warm air finally feels like spring, I decide to check out the creek itself. I’m not disappointed. I stand in a tangle of gnarled oaks along the creek bank and look out at tired hay stubble waiting to awaken after a false winter. Invigorated, I get back into the Matrix and head north on I-35.

Sunset on Pike Lake

By the time I make Pike Lake, just outside Duluth, the sun is setting. The colors of the sky beg for me to stop and consider them. I park at the state owned boat launch on the lake. I watch the orange globe of the sun disappear behind the trees of Pike Lake’s western shoreline.I put the Matrix in gear, knowing that “The Descendents” and Mr. Clooney are waiting for me at home.

Sunday. Rene’ and I take separate cars to church. After an exhausting “there and back” trip to the Cities the day before, I am slated to have brunch at the Zinema2 theater complex in downtown Duluth. The director of a film I reviewed for the New World Finn newspaper (the film is Under the Red Star), Kelly Saxberg, her husband, Ron Harpelle, and a few other folks from Duluth’s Sister Cities program are gathering to talk about the film in advance of its Duluth debut. Brenda Denton, a local attorney, knowing my interest in all things Finnish, emailed me and invited me to brunch. So here I am, walking across Superior Street after spending an hour with God and family at Grace Lutheran Church, putting on my authorial hat once again.

The fact that I thoroughly enjoyed the film (giving it 4 out of 5 stars) likely helped garner the invite: I doubt Brenda would have asked me to come by so that Kelly and Ron (the co-producers of the movie) could throw hash browns at me across the table! ( I’ll post my review of the film in a day or so now that it’s been printed in NWF.) I sit down at the breakfast table next to Kelly and give her a copy of Suomalaiset with the hope that, one day, she’ll want to make a feature film out of Olli Kinkkonen’s story. I know, I know. It’s a pipe dream, a long shot, a one-in-a-million grasping at straws. But who knows? Stranger things happen in this world, right? We have a lively conversation about Kelly’s films, about the Finnish immigrant experience, and then, we head down to the theater. It’s apparent that the room assigned to the film is too small for the crowd: The event is moved to the larger of the complexes two movie theaters. And still, the larger space isn’t sufficient to hold all the folks who wander in. Ten minutes into the film and there are still people opening the doors, trying to find a seat. But it’s standing room only, a good sign for the movie’s long term impact and success.  After the credits, as attendees ask the director questions about the film and her work, I dash out to the Pacifica to retrieve a copy of Laman’s River.  One of the folks I had brunch with, Naomi Sundog Yaeger-Bischoff, the editor of the Budgeteer, is interested in my writing. I can’t pass up the chance to make another connection.

Better not pass up an opportunity for a review.

That’s thing about being a semi-famous novelist: You are always looking for an edge, some way of promoting your work so that folks will read what you have written. I retrieve the book, hand it to Naomi, and bid my new friends adieu. I still have a bathroom to paint and a garage to sweep before sitting down to dinner with Rene’ and Jack. And then, tomorrow, Monday morning, I’ll be up and ready to go to work. At my real job.













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There’s Meat on These Bones







the Bones of Plenty by Lois Phillips Hudson (1962, 1984. Borealis Books. ISBN 0-87351-175-1)

One of the benefits of being asked to participate in Buffalo State University’s Rural Lit R.A.L.L.Y. blog discussion of bygone novels depicting America’s agrarian past is that, from time to time, you stumble onto something you’ve never read, never heard of, by an author you never even knew existed. As part of my affiliation with the Rural Lit blog site, the administrator of the blog sent me a used copy of the Bones of Plenty to read in preparation for an upcoming discussion. Similar in texture and tone to Minnesota author Herbert Krause’s epic tales about northwestern Minnesota (Wind Without Rain and The Thresher), Bones follows the successes and considerable failures of the tale’s red-headed protagonist, George Armstrong Custer (not the ill-fated general but a ND grain farmer named for the Indian fighter) during the Great Depression. It’s all here: the farm auctions where men from the surrounding community show up and bid so low, the sheriff escorting the banker gives up and leaves without completing the sale; the Jewish lender who, because he lost his neighbors’ life savings in speculative investments, vanishes under the cover of darkness; sickness, disease, and death; tragic farm accidents and dust storms that blot the sun.

At times poetic, Hudson allows George (and some lesser characters) to get a bit preachy, ranting for or against the men of power who control the strings of the populace’s existence to the point of distraction from the characters themselves. That’s the only real drawback to the writing and it is but a minor flaw. For the most part, Hudson, who was a professor at a number of colleges (see for details) hits the nail squarely on its prairie influenced head. The female protagonists in the story, including Lucy (the eldest of George and Rachel Custer’s two daughters); Rachel Custer (George’s long suffering wife); and her mother, Ruth; are all extremely complex personalities as drawn by this author. So too are the men: George has a temper and is prone to corporal punishment of Lucy in brutal and rash ways and routinely cuts his wife to the quick; but somewhere behind his deep seated mistrust of society and the system he is bound to (he’s a tenant farmer on someone else’s land), George Custer loves his daughters and Rachel, a college educated woman who gave up teaching school for a life of hardship she never envisioned.

In looking for novels by Hudson (she’s the sort of writer you want to hear more from), I was disappointed: The only other book available on by this author is Reapers of the Dust which appears to be a collection of essays about Hudson’s childhood in North Dakota. While such real-life snippets of turmoil and angst might be someone else’s “cup of tea”, I was hoping for more fiction from this forgotten chronicler of the prairie. Sadly, this appears to be the only novel Lois Hudson finished before her death in 2010.

And that, given the quality of the prose in Bones is all of our loss.

4 and 1/2 stars out of 5. Readily available on


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Skiing with the Larsons

The Chernaks, the Mungers, and the Larsons.


We’re blessed with friends. That’s the one thing that I can say with certainty about my wife Rene’ and I. It’s been that way for a long while now, being blessed by friends. Many of our closest friends are folks we met in high school, at Duluth Denfeld. A few, like Jan and Bruce Larson, I met years before. In Jan’s case, it started at Piedmont Elementary in Duluth when we met in kindergarten. With Bruce, it started when a curious Baptist kid (that would be Bruce) started bugging his parents about where babies come from. Now, being that the Baptist church is fairly conservative, but wanting Bruce to know more than what he’d learn in hushed huddles during Boy Scouts, Bruce’s folks sent him to a sex education class run by Episcopalians. That’s where we met. When Rene’ and I started dating in 1976, she was welcomed into a crazy group of close and loving friends. She’s been one of us now for over thirty years.

Of course, the old friends aren’t our only friends. There are Fredenberg friends (folks we’ve met and grown to love out here where we live), family, work friends, and a whole host of other connections and friendships made over a lifetime. Some mine. Some Rene’s. But all important and sustaining. Still, the time we spend with folks like the Larsons and their relatives, the Chernaks, is a window to the past as we joke and laugh and, as we also reflect on our parents’ ages, a glance into the future. This past weekend, shortened as it was by Rene’ dealing with a flu bug (we couldn’t get up to the Larson cabin on Thomas Lake near Two Harbors until Saturday morning), was one of those get-togethers that sustains us in a world of sometimes seemingly unending uncertainty.

We were lucky. When we drove from our place on the Cloquet River to Thomas Lake early Saturday morning, it was snowing: Big, fat, fluffy early winter snow was coming down despite the fact that it was the third day of March. Let’s face it: This winter has been abysmal, a total bust. We’ve had little snow, temperatures that have been too warm, and gray sky after gray sky since November. Hell, our winter has been more like a Kansas winter than one spent in northern Minnesota. So to see snow piling up so late in the season, was, in a word, wondrous. When we arrived at the Larson cabin (which, when I was a Boy Scout and Jan’s dad, the legendary Arnie Erickson was my scoutmaster, was the “Erickson cabin”), the Larsons and the Chernaks were seated comfortably around a fire roaring in the cabin’s stone fireplace, sipping coffee and talking in low tones. Rene’ joined the crew while I hauled in our stuff and some groceries. We’ve been making this annual ski gathering for a decade or better and the ladies in the equation pretty much have it down pat as to who brings what. Bruce makes sure that there’s firewood aplenty, that the sauna is ready to go, that no water pipes have burst, and that the weekend will come off without a hitch. Me? I pretty much just show up.

The pleasantries exhausted, we knuckled down to some hard core political and philosophical discussions, beginning with my diatribe about Russ Limbaugh’s insensitive remarks about the young law student who testified before Congress, and moving on to the state of the economy in Ely, Minnesota, where Charlie and Sue Chernak hale from. By noon, Bruce had heard enough: it was time to hit the state ski trail a few miles from Thomas Lake.

Rene and Sue on the Mother Bear Trail.

Shit, I thought as I plodded along behind Bruce on my skis, I’m more out of shape than I thought.

Bruce and I generally take turns breaking trail. That’s the way it’s always been. And usually, we’re about even in our pace, with the women chatting and taking a more leisurely amble behind us. But this year, I could tell that the extra ten pounds I’d added over the Christmas holidays hadn’t come off: I struggled to keep up with Bruce as we glided silently through the snowy canopy of the forest. Charlie wasn’t with us in the trees: He was content to man the fire back at the cabin and stroke Bella, the Chernaks’ kind and gentle Golden Retriever as he sipped another cup of coffee, leaving the skiing to the rest of us.

I better get myself in shape if I want to be skiing with my grandchild.

It was a serious discussion, the one I had with myself, and one I will take to heart when I get back to that dust-covered treadmill in our bedroom in our house on the Cloquet River.

We were denied, Bruce and I were, our usual course, which is to split off from the women and take the esker trail to the right, a more difficult route. The groomer hadn’t gone up the esker and so, with some prodding from a gasping writer, Bruce agreed to take the easier spur to the left. We pushed on. The only wildlife we saw, or more correctly I saw, was a ruffed grouse which exploded from its hiding place under a spruce as Bruce and I passed by. Bruce never saw, never heard the bird: Likely the reason the Larson freezer is without grouse for table fare.

Bruce and Mark.

Bruce and I took a longer route but, inexplicably, we ended up at the junction with the main trail just as the girls arrived. From there, the five of us skied together on the last leg of the Mother Bear Trail back to the car.

We all knew what awaited us back at the cabin: An afternoon and evening of snacks and cold beer and a hot sauna followed by a nap and Sue’s homemade beef stew and more beer and a board game or two pitting the women against  the men. As usual, the men prevailed and Bruce and Charlie and I raised our arms in our fifty-something version of “The Wave” and sang Queen’s “We Are the Champions” as only old men can.

Thanks, friends, for another great memory.



(Photos by Bruce Larson)


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Better than Most









The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly (2005. Hachette Audio (audio version). ISBN 978-1-600247-2)

John Grisham’s latest efforts haven’t met with the same critical and fan success that his earlier works did. Grisham’s attempt at short fiction (Ford County Stories) was, as my review in the archives of this blog urges, poorly done compared to his other work. So picking up this legal thriller by yet another Grisham-wannabe for our ride back from Bozeman to Duluth after a recent ski trip, well, it was bound to be fraught with disappointment, right? I mean if the master of legal fiction is having trouble putting pen to paper, how can a newcomer to the genre like Connelly measure up. Am I right?

Turns out, The Lincoln Lawyer, with the exception of a minor plot implausibility or two, is a satisfying listen as an audio book. Calling biker clients to protect your ex-wife and daughter in the face of a serial killer (who is also, unfortunately, your client) when the ex is a DA rather than calling the police makes little sense. But that’s one of only a few minor diversions from a well constructed reality in this tale.

Micky Haller, the Irish American lawyer protagonist in this story is a very troubled man: He realizes, early on in the plot, that he blew it with a former client, a Hispanic named Hector, who is now doing life for something he didn’t do. Oh sure, Micky tries to rationalize away Hector’s fate by arguing (with himself) that the man was slated for the needle-that his work as a criminal defense lawyer saved the man from Death Row. But the nagging notion that Haller failed to recognize a truly innocent man, and now has confused sociopathic behavior with innocence in yet another client, haunts the lawyer.

The title is a clever twist being that Haller insists on being driven from scene to scene in the book by his hip-hop living African American driver in a Lincoln Town Car. He has a fleet of them, four to be exact, hence the title of the book. The dialogue is gritty and a bit tough for the ears of say, anyone under the age of twelve, but appropriate to the story. The characters, for the most part (the mother of the killer is a bit overdone and cartoonish as is her lawyer) are believable. Not better than say, The Verdict or The Firm, and certainly no To Kill a Mockingbird, The Lincoln Lawyer  is a compelling, well written piece of genre fiction.

4 stars out of 4.

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